Sunday, April 27, 2014

Meeting of the Border Leads

On 4-21-14 the Border Leads (Dale Herter, Kate Faulkner, Jordan Jackson & Joyce Moty) met in the border to review plans for the improvement of the Native Garden.  It was agreed that most of the existing plan for the Native Garden Improvement Project, proposed in July 2013 & approved by the Bradner Leads in August 2013, would begin to be implemented in the fall of 2014.  We decided to change the plan to keep both Mahonia 'Arthur Menzies' & prune them.  We agreed that all other non-native plants would be removed from the Native Garden & moved to new sites if possible.  We considered adding new planting to the street side of the Native Garden consisting of Evergreen Huckleberry (Vaccinium ovatum) & Creeping Mahonia (Mahonia repens) both medium-sized shrubs.  Jordan suggested adding Pacific Coast Native Iris (Iris douglasiana & hybrids) & Beach Aster (Erigeron glaucus) to the plant list for the dry & sunny strip along the path.   Joyce offered Camas (Camassia sp.) & False Lily of the Valley (Maianthemum dilatatum) from her garden for the project.  Jordan offered Red Elderberry (Sambucus racemosa) & White Flowering Currant (Ribes Sanguineum 'White Icicle'). 

We agreed that compost for the new planting the Winter Garden should be added as soon as possible to allow it to settle & break down to become less acidic, before planting in the fall.  Jordan offered to draw new plans for both gardens shortly before planting begins.  Different approaches to irrigation were discussed without agreement.  There was general agreement that a list of rules should be made to guide improvements to the Ornamental Border, such as using drought-tolerant plants, researching the size & shape of shrubs before planting & planting large shrubs well away from the path.

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