Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Winter 2014

Acer buergerianum (Trident Maple) & Acer griseum (Paperbark Maple).

Sheet mulch.

Sambucus caerulea (Blue Elderberry).

Chionodoxa luciliae (Glory of the Snow)

Drimys lanceolata

Euphorbia characias & Helleborus argutifolius (Corsican Hellebore).

Helleborus x hybridus.

Magnolia stellata 'Rose King'.  All photos were taken on 3-18-14, 2 days before the 1st day of spring. 

During the fall/winter of 2013/14 some general pruning was done in the Ornamental Border.  Most notable was the transformation of the Sambucus caerulea (Blue Elderberry) in the Native Garden.  The 2 lowest limbs of the Acer buergerianum (Trident Maple) in the Winter Garden were removed, which made room to plant shrubs between it & the Acer griseum (Paperbark Maple) & also gave the latter more room to expand.  There was a work part in early March 2014, during which the weedy area north of the Shade Garden was sheet mulched & a think layer of compost was spread on the Native Garden.